
Age: 9th Grade & up
Dates: July 21-August 8,

During this three-week program, from 9am-4pm, campers will learn how to program in Java to control a FIRST Tech Challenge robot. By the end of the 3 weeks, kids will program the robots to both move autonomously, based on sensor input, as well as to operate based on input from a remote control. To participate in this camp, kids must complete Learn Java (from Codecademy), a free programming course, before the first day of the camp.

This preparatory work could take 15-20 hours, depending on experience level, so please plan ahead. This program teaches specific skills needed to program as a part of a FIRST Tech Challenge team, but is also fun and valuable by itself. Space is limited.

Taught by: Wolfpack Machina

Wolfpack Machina logoLupine logo

Wolfpack has been one of the best FTC teams in MA for the last three years. Wolfpack Machina, won the top prize (the Inspire Award) at the First Tech Challenge World Championships on April 22nd, 2023 in Houston.

In Ultimate Goal we set the highest two scores in the world. In Freight Frenzy we came in 4th in robot game at Worlds. So far in Power Play we have qualified for States in MA and Chesapeake.


Registration & Payment Details

  • $475 non-refundable deposit due to hold spot
  • Payment in full due by June 1
Waring's Robotics team at a competition
Campers coding programs
A teacher and student building a robot
A robot made by students
$1900 for three weeks